Monday 24 June 2013

How to feel GOOD!

Hi all,
This year I have made a number of changes for various reasons (financial, health, fitness, etc) so here is a list of the main ones I made, how well they have worked and why I will not be changing back.

Drinking lots of water:
I have been really concentrating on this one because I hoped it would help to alleviate my headaches and it really has worked. I drink lots and lots of water every day but if I ‘fall behind’ I feel my head start to tighten and a head ache looms but as soon as I gulp down a large glass of water which stops the threat in its tracks.

Water also helps to keep my head clear; I concentrate better when I am well hydrated. I like to think that it helps to try and clear my skin but as there are so many other factors to consider there I cannot be sure that it has any effect.

Avoiding sugar – especially white and processed sugar:
Again this change was prompted by my head aches. I wanted to avoid the crave-crash-crave cycle that sugar causes. By avoiding sugar and eating other foods that release energy slowly I can keep my blood sugar levels constant, keep my hormones steady and therefore avoid headaches. This really has worked brilliantly. It was hard to cut down my sugar intake as my diet consisted mainly of high sugar, heavily processed foods. I found that my energy levels dipped dramatically as I cut back, but now (about a month on) my energy levels are higher than they were before! So, it is a short term struggle but you have to keep the long term goal in mind.

No caffeine:
I have a whole blog post on this, read a bit more about my natural journey here. This was another short term struggle that has worked out better in the long run. I don’t crave Coke or tea anymore although I used to be very reliant on these drinks.

Eat ‘whole’ foods:
This is difficult as it generally costs more to buy ‘high quality’ or organic foods. If I see things on offer (that will not go out of date) I stock up while they are less expensive. Generally I find that whole foods fill you up better so you need a smaller quantity of them, they are also more nutritionally rich. This means that you get what you pay for, you are not just paying more money for the same thing – if that makes sense? You pay more but you get more.

Snack lots:
In line with the idea that I need to keep my blood sugar levels constant to avoid headaches and to avoid ‘crashing’ hard then craving something ‘naughty’ I try to snack 2-3 times a day in addition to 3 meals a day. I will do a separate post about this but I snack on fruit in the morning then a protein bar, some nuts or something else similar in the afternoon. If I want a snack in the evening after my dinner I try to keep this small and light. If I am feeling like I really need something extra I will have a small square of dark chocolate.

Avoid dairy:
Dairy is well known as a migraine or head ache inducer. I didn’t have a lot of milk in my diet before as I am not keen on it so it was easy to cut out (or at least greatly reduce) my dairy intake. If I do have milk now I try to have almond milk or lactose free milk. Often it is the Lactose Free milk as that is what my daughter has and it is in our fridge anyway. I don’t seem to bloat or react much to the lactose free version of milk although almond milk would be my first choice. I do eat yoghurts but I choose these carefully! More info on that, I have a Bzz campaign coming soon so watch this space.

Exercise more:
I have always been a gym bunny, I love going to the gym and I enjoy the buzz I get from it. You may not be wired the same way, you may hate exercise but I guarantee you that if you get into a regular routine of exercising often then you will start to enjoy it too. I go to the gym three mornings a week when my daughter is at pre-school. I also walk or cycle everywhere that I can; I keep my use of the car to a minimum, partly for fitness and partly for financial reasons!

Avoid chemicals:
This started with my cosmetics, hair and skin care. I am trying to move towards no SLS (sodium laurel sulphate) in any of my personal care. I use a toothpaste without SLS in it, my hand washes do not contain it and I have just purchased a different shampoo and conditioner that do not contain any SLS so I will keep you posted on how those work out.

I do not use a moisturiser any more, I now only use natural oils. I use Coconut Oil (raw, virgin, organic, fair trade) on my body and Rosehip Oil (organic) on my face. I keep my make up to a minimum on a day to day basis and when I remove it I use Sweet Almond Oil and water. If you want to know more you can watch my video about the Oil Cleansing Method here.
I use natural cleaners where possible, I make my own with some basic household ingredients. I got these recipes from a YouTube channel called ‘Clean My Space’ and I have covered this in more detail in another blog post, click here to read more.

Stress less and sleep more:
I’ve rolled these into one category as I think they are probably linked. I had got myself into a really bad habit of going to bed after 11pm and not getting to sleep until gone 12 and I was always tired in the morning and throughout the following day. Now I have an alarm set on my phone for 9pm – this is my reminder to wrap up whatever I am doing and start getting ready to go up to bed. This means stop watching TV, writing, looking at Facebook or whatever I am busy with and start sorting out whatever I need to have in order so that I can go to bed without too much on my mind. For me this usually means emptying the dishwasher, putting clothes away, tidying up a bit, getting some things ready for the next morning and so on.

If I am really worked up or worried then I write a ‘to do’ list or write down my worries so that I can feel a bit calmer and more in control when I go to bed. This helps me unwind and go to sleep much quicker than if I was playing things over and over in my mind. I often read while I am in bed but I set myself a time or chapter limit and stick to it. Nowadays I am often in bed by 10pm and asleep by half past. A much more reasonable time on a week night and I feel worlds better for it!

So, these are all the changes I have made in the last 3-6 months. Some have been harder than other but generally the most difficult ones have yielded the most benefit once they are achieved. I am very happy that not only have my headaches all but disappeared but I have also massively increased my energy levels and I have lost a few lbs as well! A nice unexpected bonus! My tummy is flatter as I am less bloated and I feel... for want of a better word, lighter. So, despite eating more and not counting calories or points I have actually lost weight and improved my figure! Every girl’s dream, right??

I hope this post was interesting and has helped you in some way. Essentially I eat clean, live clean and try to take care of myself. I think about the value and quality of what I put in and on my body. If something is full of chemicals or is over processed I steer well clear. My body has responded well to all these changes, do you think yours would too?

Rach xx

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