Sunday 10 November 2013

A Beautiful Book About a Difficult Subject

Hi all, 

This post is a bit different to my usual but I read this book to my daughter the other day and fell in love with it.

I wanted to share this beautiful story with you, if you are a parent you may want this book as it helps to explain the upsetting subject of loss in a magical and reassuring way.

Julia Donaldson tells this poignant story while Rebecca Cobb's soft and child like illustrations bring it to life with subtlety and care.

We meet a little girl and her 'nice mother' as they make paper dolls together. The girl and the dolls have adventures through the house with other toys. We enjoy following them throughout the day as they narrowly escape the jaws of a dinosaur, hop onto a bus, explore the farmyard, run away from a tiger, chat to a ladybird... and then along comes a boy who snips them into tiny little pieces and he says that they are, "gone forever".

Just as you are wondering why this kind of behaviour is being shown in a children's book, the story gets to it's real focus. The paper dolls that we believed lost have actually gone to live on forever in the little girl's memory.

Here the dolls find they are in good company, they join lots of other lovely things including 'a kind granny' and fireworks. Not only that but they are joined by 'more and more lovely things each day, and each year'.

I was so moved by this change in the story, I thought it was such a lovely way to explain to a young child (my daughter is nearly 4) that the people we lose are never really gone, we can keep them alive in our hearts and minds. We are lucky that she has all of her grandparents in her life and we love that we see them all regularly, but we will not always be so lucky. 

The sad inevitability is that we will one day have to deal with loss and grief. It is something we struggle with even as adults and it is so difficult to describe to a child - how can you explain why a loved one has been snatched away so cruelly? How can they understand the concept of never seeing that person any more? 

The story continues along the beautiful path it has started, we see the girl grow into a mother herself who makes paper dolls with her own daughter. And so we see this story come full circle whilst also moving forward, in the same strange way that life moves forward whilst simultaneously being cyclical.

I have found this book an excellent teaching tool, it has given us a great starting point for talking about death, loss and coping with grief. 

As I have chosen not to encourage my daughter into a particular faith (she can decide for herself when she is older) I have struggled to put this subject into words but Julia Donaldson has done so superbly. 

I am so glad we found this book and I encourage you to seek it out.

Thanks for reading,
Rach xx

Check out my YouTube channel:
Follow me on twitter? Come say 'hi!' to @rachmarshall
Or check out my pictures on Instagram :-) AllNaturalAspirations

Saturday 19 October 2013

Getting Organised for Christmas... Yes, already!

Hi all,

Yes it really is that time of year! Already!

Time for us Mums and hosts to start thinking about presents, food and the general planning of Christmas!

I am a firm believer that the more organised you are the more you will enjoy something. 

Everything will be just the way you want it and it will be stress free as you will have allowed plenty of time to get everything done.

I have done a video about this on my YouTube channel, you may want to check that out:

I have my own Christmas and Birthdays folder that I use throughout the year... but it seems to be permanently out or in my hand from about October onwards!

THE Folder
I organise everything to do with Birthdays and Christmas in here.

File dividers, you can organise and divide as you see fit.
I have (to name but a few) Birthday presents, Birthday Cards, Christmas presents, Christmas Cards, Food, Party, and so on!

My Best purchase!
These plastic wallets are thick and sturdy, they clip closed with a fold over top so nothing can fall out. When I see a birthday card I like I buy it and keep it in my Birthdays Folder ready for the right person's birthday. I have two more of these wallets in the folder - one for receipts and one for Christmas cards (you know the special ones you send to close family only)

I use this folder to record everything I need for the festive season and I thought I would share it with you. At the bottom of this post you will find some blank printable documents that you can use as they are or tweak them to suit your planning styles and methods.

Main Tips and Tricks for a stress free Christmas:

  • Save throughout the year - I have a separate bank account and I have a standing order going into it every month. (you are going to spend the money anyway, may as well save in advance! Even just £10 a month will help take the sting out of this expensive time of year)
  • Buy non-perishable items in the sales directly after Christmas (e.g. wrapping paper, Christmas cards, decorations, etc)
  • Buy some presents in the Summer Sales
  • Write out/use check lists for presents, cards, etc.
  • If you are making presents start making them sooner rather than later so you can spread out 'production' over a number of weeks instead of being a last minute stress!
  • Write 8-10 cards a night during the final week(s) of November so all your cards are written out gradually and ready to send in early December.
  • Know what you need to get, for who and when it needs to be ready and wrapped by... then make sure you stick to it! You cannot buy/organise things too early, but you can be too late!
I hope you found this useful, here are my documents for you to make use of if you would like:
(you may want to use these as a starter/guide and then go from there - adding your own requirements and flair as you want)

and for the rest of the year:

(FYI - saving them onto Google docs messed up the format and font a bit so they look quite plain and boring compared to the ones I actually use... but I am not technologically blessed so its a miracle I even worked out how to share them in the first place!!)

Rach xx

Check out my YouTube channel:
Follow me on twitter? Come say 'hi!' to @rachmarshall
Or check out my pictures on Instagram :-) AllNaturalAspirations

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Crystal Springs Natural Deodorant Review

Hi all,

It's been a long time since I did my last review, so it feels as if this one is long overdue!

As you may or may not know I have been searching for a good, effective natural deodorant.

I was fed up with breathing in the chemicals of a spray deodorant and I was worried about the implications of putting the chemicals from a roll-on into my system.

I searched high, I searched low. I even searched middle-ish.

I tried out a huge variety of different things and had very little success. So, I gave up and bought some 'noraml' deodorant again from Asda.

It wasn't until I was in my local whole foods store a good few weeks later that I spotted a crystal deodorant stick and remembered someone on YouTube saying something good about a similar product. The full sized stick was around £5 and the small one around £3 and they are said to last for months so I picked up the travel sized one to give it a go.

I am now hooked and won't be going back to conventional deodorants again!

I have been using this product for over a month now during some of the hottest weather the UK has seen in years, plus I also took it on holiday with me and it has performed well under all of these difficult circumstances.

This is what I have found:


  • 100% Natural
  • Quick and easy to use
  • All day protection
  • No marks on clothes
  • Effective at preventing odour
  • Portable, easy to take with you on nights away or holidays


  • Expensive initial cost (but it lasts a long time so it's not more costly than most standard deodorants)
  • Doesn't stop perspiration (but that would be unnatural wouldn't it? We need to sweat)
Other benefits listed on the Crystal Spring website:

Long Time
Long Lasting Protection: Salt of the Earth's active ingredient rests on the surface of your skin providing you with protection that lasts longer.
No White Marks
No white marks on clothes.
Suitable For Vegans
Suitable for Vegetarians and Vegans.
Not Tested On Animals
Not tested on Animals.
Unisex – great for guys and girls.
Effective protection from body odour.
Suitable for Children

I purchased my deodorant in a local store but you can buy them on-line.
Here is a link to their website:

Overall, I have found this a very easy and very effective product to use. I will not be switching back any time soon. I would recommend this deodorant to everyone - male, female, young, old, sensitive skin, heavy perspirers and all in between.

Have you used this before? Do you use another type of natural deodorant? I'd love to know more about your experience.

Rach xx

Check out my YouTube channel:
Follow me on twitter? Come say 'hi!' to @rachmarshall
Or check out my pictures on Instagram :-) AllNaturalAspirations

Wednesday 21 August 2013

How to maintain clear skin

Hi all,

Here are some things that I find work really well for me and have helped me massively improve the look and overall health of my skin. Hopefully you can also benefit from these tips:
  • Drink LOTS of water. It’s free, it’s very good for your skin, your body, your mind and your overall health.
  • Avoid foods that are high in sugar, salt or are highly processed.
  • Avoid dairy (this is a personal thing, it may not affect you badly but if it does then try cutting it out and sourcing your calcium, etc from other foods like green leafy veg, nuts, etc.)
  • Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, they are good for your overall health and you will see a big improvement in your hair, skin, nails and general well being.
  • Reduce your stress levels. I know I get spots when I’m stressed, do what you can to tackle problems head on and reduce your stress wherever possible.
  • Get more sleep. A good night’s sleep will show in your skin.
  • Use a different towel for your face, hands and body.
  • Wash your towels regularly
  • Pat your face dry, be gentle.
  • ALWAYS, without fail, remove your make up before sleeping.
  • Try to minimise your day time make up where possible. Let your skin breathe and heal itself. Facial make up attracts pollutants and keeps them on your skin, try to avoid this as much as possible but I understand this is a very personal matter.
  • Use a weekly face mask that works for you.
  • Use natural oils and stop stripping your skin of its balancing oils with chemicals.
I hope you can try some or all of the above tips, they all work brilliantly for me. Along with washing my face with honey! See my previous post for more details :-) 

Rach xx

P.s. you can watch me talk about clear skin on You Tube, just click here.

Check out my YouTube channel:
Follow me on twitter? Come say 'hi!' to @rachmarshall
Or check out my pictures on Instagram :-) AllNaturalAspirations

Wednesday 14 August 2013

HOW and WHY to use HONEY to wash your face... trust me!

Hi all,
I have been using honey on my face for about two months now and I cannot believe the difference it has made to my skin. 
I am prone to hormonal spots at certain times of the month and I also notice my skin get worse when I am stressed, am eating a bad diet or if I am very tired. Previously, I would have normally always had 5-6 small spots and 1-2 larger, more noticeable ones. Since using the honey this has completely changed. I rarely have larger spots now and my smaller ones are only really noticeable on close up inspection! 
I still get the odd blemish here and there due to other factors but the overall tone and feel of my skin has been massively improved.
Honey is SO good for your skin… Here are some reasons why:
- It is Anti-microbial and anti-bacterial so really good for spot prone skin. It will kill all the nasty bacteria on your skin and in your spots – stopping them in the tracks and preventing more coming.
- It is very moisturising. It locks the moisture in leaving your skin feeling very soft.
- Honey contains beneficial enzymes and these can be anti-aging.
- It is reported to soak up impurities, removing them from the skin.
- It is full of anti-oxidants which are known to be excellent for you and your skin, showing some restorative properties (e.g. reducing acne scars, etc)
- You can buy honey anywhere – no need to go to an expensive or specialist shop
- It is inexpensive to buy and a little goes a long way, very low price daily face wash.
- Tastes nice if it accidentally goes in your mouth!
So now you know WHY to wash your face with honey, here is HOW:
-          Start with a make-up free face (honey will not remove make up)
-          Dampen your face slightly
-          Put a small amount of honey into your hand and use two fingers on your other hand            to apply it onto your face in a circular, upwards motion.
-          Keep clear of your eyes!
-          Either splash your face with water or use a face cloth to rinse the honey off.
-          Gently pat your face dry.

I don’t even need to moisturise after I’ve washed my face with honey! It feels so soft and  supple, none of that horrible tight feeling you get with most face washes or soaps.
Now enjoy your spot free, youthful looking, extra moisturised skin!
You're welcome :-)
Rach xx
p.s. If you find it easier, you can watch my video about honey that I have posted to my YouTube channel. Here is the link:
Honey Video

Check out my YouTube channel:
Follow me on twitter? Come say 'hi!' to @rachmarshall
Or check out my pictures on Instagram :-) AllNaturalAspirations

Wednesday 26 June 2013

DIY Sugar Scrub - Just two ingredients!

Hi all,

So here is a very simple, very inexpensive DIY for you to try, I bet you will fall in love with it as much as I have!

You only need two ingredients, both of which I am pretty sure you will already have in your kitchen!

  1. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  2. Sugar (any kind you like/have to hand)

Simply mix the two together until you reach the desired consistency then apply directly to whichever bit you want to exfoliate.

I use this scrub all over my body once a week and I love how soft and silky my skin feels after I use it.

BE CAREFUL if you use this scrub on your feet! It will make them very slippy and you would NOT want to fall over in the bath or shower :-/ not a good idea!

Would you like to watch the video of this DIY on my YouTube channel? Just click here.

Did you know that I am on Instagram and Twitter too? I'd love for you to follow me :-)

I hope you enjoyed this DIY and stay tuned for lots more coming soon!

Rach xx

Check out my YouTube channel:
Follow me on twitter? Come say 'hi!' to @rachmarshall
Or check out my pictures on Instagram :-) AllNaturalAspirations

Monday 24 June 2013

Funny Video! Watch this!

Hi all,

If you want a giggle then check out my video... My Three Year old Does my Makeup

It is really silly and I hope you find it funny.

Rach xx

Check out my YouTube channel:
Follow me on twitter? Come say 'hi!' to @rachmarshall
Or check out my pictures on Instagram :-) AllNaturalAspirations