Saturday 27 April 2013

Natural DIY - Moisturiser - All over body moisturiser for soft, supple and youthful looking skin

Natural DIY - All over body moisturiser

I love this moisturiser, it is the first thing I reach for after getting out of the shower in the morning.

Some people may find this is a little greasy, I have never encountered this myself but make sure you try it out in the evening for the first time when you are not going somewhere or getting dressed in your best clothes... just in case!

Something to remember, a little disclaimer :-) I am not qualified in anyway to offer skin care advice, I am simply telling you what I have tried that has worked well for me.

So, this moisturiser is very simple which (I think) makes it very effective. It only contains two ingredients... but they are super ingredients!

I'm not sure how much you know about the benefits of these two ingredients so I'll go into a bit of detail for those new to natural remedies and skin care.

Coconut oil is fast becoming beauty's worst kept secret. It is a wonder oil that has hundreds of different applications. You can use it on your hair, skin, nails, It moisturises the skin amazingly well, working brilliantly for all skin types (including oily skin). It is proven to delay the wrinkling and sagging of the skin thanks to its antioxidant properties. Coconut oil should be solid at room temperature (if you live in the UK... but it may be melted if you live in warmer climbs!) and ideally you should try and buy organic.

Grapefruit Essential Oil does not only smell amazing but it also brings it's own health benefits to the party! This citrus scent will uplift your mood and get you energised in the morning. The oil is very high in vitamin C, it also has anti bacterial and anti sceptic qualities so it will help clear skin and fight blemishes. This oil will also help with muscle stiffness and, the ultimate girl gripe, cellulite.

So, this is what you will be making:

The Finished Product

And here is the method I used:

1. Collect the following items and ingredients:

Glass Jar, Pure Coconut Oil, Grapefruit Essential Oil
2. Place the glass jar into a large bowl or container part filled with boiled/hot water, a bain marie or a double boiler.

3. Add the relevant number of scoops of coconut oil to your empty jar and they should start to melt pretty much straight away. (Fyi - you do not need the oil to completely melt, some lumps are fine. The main aim is to make the oil melted enough to stir.)

4. Add a few drops of the grapefruit essential oil, the amount you would like. I enjoy the smell and effects of the grapefruit oil so I add quite a lot, a good guide is no more than a 10:1 ratio of carrier:essential oil, i.e. no more than 10% of the mixture should be essential oil.

5. After adding the grapefruit oil stir the mixture well then leave it (at room temperature) to solidify.

All done! It's that simple!

Remember, a small amount of the oil will go a long way so start off small and go back for more if needed. I scoop a little bit out, the warmth of my hands melt the oil and then I rub it all over. I also use this oil on my face because it help with breakouts.

I hope you enjoyed this, I hope you make the moisturiser and I hope it works as well for you as it does for me! Please feel free to get in touch.

Rach xx

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