Thursday 2 May 2013

5 Homemade cleaners that will change your life!

Hi all,

Here are some homemade cleaners for you to try out, I promise you will love them! And, if you don't then they will have only cost you pennies to make and you will not have lost anything.

As you may know from earlier posts I am doing what I can to try and reduce the amount of chemicals I use and come into contact with on a daily basis.

Whilst browsing through YouTube I found a channel that I LOVE called 'Clean My Space'. They upload regular videos and have their own (very useful) website. I have tried so many of their tips and tricks... not one has failed me yet! Their website is: so be sure to have a look.

Here is a link to their video on how to make a selection of homemade cleaners, these 5 products cover most areas of the home and I have made, tried, tested and fallen head over heels for four of them! (I have not tried the stain remover yet)

Here are the recipes for the cleaners I have made and now use in  my daily/weekly cleaning routine. I can personally say that I am very happy with them and I will save SO much money from not having to buy expensive cleaning products so much anymore and I am much happer about what I am spraying around my home!

The 3 key ingredients you'll require are:

Vinegar - mild disinfectant, grease cutter, de-scaler, glass cleaner

Dish soap/washing up liquid e.g. fairy liquid- neutral pH - gentle and safe on essentially every surface and a mild soap that can lifts off dirt and grime

Rubbing alcohol - at least 65% USP in order for it to qualify as a disinfectant, can be mixed with water

(Essential oils can be added for their own properties and to improve the smell of the cleaners.)

Here are the recipes:

Glass cleaner - 50/50 water and vinegar mix, use to clean windows and mirrors - smell dissipates quickly

Disinfectant - 50/50 water and rubbing alcohol, use to spray and leave after you've cleaned a surface, only use where required i.e. points of contact, cutting boards, bathrooms etc.

All-purpose cleaner - 1-2 tbsp dish soap per bottle of water. Great to use for cleaning kitchen, bathroom surfaces, hallways, most furniture. Won't leave residue behind. If you are finding residue, reduce the amount of dish liquid being used (they vary in recipes).

Tub and tile cleaner/degreaser - 1 cup vinegar, 1 cup dish liquid. Use for soap scum on tiles and glass, greasy kitchens etc. Spray, let it sit for 5 minutes and start to clean.

My findings: The tub and tile degreaser cleans my bathroom better than any product I have ever bought. I cannot believe that two inexpensive household items can produce such amazing results. I will never be buying Cillit Bang again!! (relief to my nose, purse and environment!)

Final notes: Be sure to label everything you make, use with caution and do not mix any chemicals without researching their properties first.

Sorry this is not a very original blog post, I have COMPLETELY stolen all the information from but hopefully it's ok as I have been very honest about that from the start! Be sure to check out their website, watch their videos and you may become as addicted to their helpful and practical advice as I am!

Having said all that, I hope you try out the cleaners, I hope they work as well for you as they do for me and I hope it reduces the amount of harsh chemicals in your home.

Stay tuned for more information on this topic and many others!

Rach xx

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